Home Modifications, Mobility devices & Adapted vehicles
Many wounded heroes lack the means to update their homes and customize their transportation to suit their individual needs. We’re providing our injured, wounded, ill and/or aging heroes with the resources they need to regain their mobility and independence.
Home Modifications
Existing homes can be retrofitted to accommodate the needs of a wounded hero. Adding ramps or refurbishing a bathroom can drastically improve life for the entire family.
Mobility Devices
We’re providing everything from wheelchairs to track chairs, ally chairs, and hand cycles. Reclaiming personal mobility is key to restoring a healthy mindset of autonomy.
Adapted Vehicles
Ensuring our heroes have the resources they need outside the home is an important aspect of R.I.S.E. Modified trucks and vans alleviate reliance on caregivers and help our defenders become more self-sufficient.
Heroes have returned from Iraq & Afghanistan bearing the mental and physical wounds of war.
By the numbers
homes modified or retrofitted for defenders in need
specially adapted vehicles provided to improve everyday life
mobility devices provided to deserving heroes