Through R.I.S.E. (Restoring Independence Supporting Empowerment), we’re building specially adapted smart homes for our most severely wounded heroes. We’re also providing home modifications, mobility devices, and adapted vehicles to our injured, wounded, ill, and/or aging heroes.
Specially Adapted Smart Homes
We’re constructing one-of-a-kind specially adapted smart homes for our nation’s most severely wounded heroes. This initiative predominantly supports our Post 9/11 defenders, that were injured in combat operations or during training while performing their duties. These 100% mortgage-free homes ease the daily challenges faced by these heroes and their families who sacrifice alongside them.
Home Modifications, Mobility Devices & Adapted Vehicles
Many wounded heroes lack the means to update their homes and customize their transportation to suit their individual needs. We’re providing our injured, wounded, ill and/or aging heroes with the resources they need to regain their mobility and independence.

Heroes have returned from Iraq & Afghanistan bearing the mental and physical wounds of war.
R.I.S.E Sponsors